Selecting the Replacement Waterbed Mattress.
The first thing to know is what yours is now, so we can compare it to what is available and arrive at a suitable choice.
After 10 years or so the baffles are going to be a lot softer than when new, So a new one of the same spec is going to be firmer. People choose waterbeds due to their low-pressure points. As the number of layers increase, The pressure points also increase.
So for example, if you have an old 3 layer and are thinking to go to a 4 layer. You are going up 2 steps in pressure points. And might find it a bit to firm. Some are very surprised at how much harder the bed could be.
Recently I had a customer with a 15-year-old, 2 layer mattress, and the layers had almost dissolved. Request that I bring a Castaway mattress as the replacement. After the discussion, The 2 layer mattress was the best choice. Even going to a 3 layer would have made the bed much firmer than expected. A week later the phone rings with a report of total satisfaction.
Customers coming in to buy a replacement mattress and to check out what is available, Remark on how much better the new mattresses feel. I would recommend to come in and sample what is available, or ring for advice.